Thursday, March 22, 2007

5 miles!!!!

I did it. I logged 5 miles in one session on that dreadmill! I ran in intervals, and walked the rest. I worked out for a total of 66 minutes. I am quite pleased with myself. I am exhausted, but happy.

I really feel that I am accomplishing something even though the scale isn't moving. I feel stronger. I feel like my lungs are stronger, almost bigger. I feel my posture improving. It is weird, and I am sure undiscernable to anyone else. It is all about how it FEELS.

I can't say that I don't hope to see that scale moving REAL soon. I neeed it to move. I want it too. I will it to, yet it doesn't. However, I am happy with the subtle changes going on, and I know that I am healthier because of it.

1 comment:

a joyful nusiance said...

If I get an inhaler.....I will start running w/ you.